Knit that…
Someone mentioned knitting? It’s been the hottest Summer but knitting always seems to be waiting and ready to pounce. Is it because we crave to quieten the body and the mind after a hectic time, to snuggle up and relax with our mate and enjoy steaming hot cups of chocolate or tea on those long Winter evenings…
yet still have the need to be productive, to feel useful and not waste time?
I am reknown more for having a go, rather than necessarily fully completing (some) projects. Knitting definitely fits this category (well quilting too but that’s another story).
Knitting and I go way back, I completed many scarves as a youngster and gave them away, but mostly I tried to knit projects well outside my area of expertise and skill – Aaron sweaters, long jackets, even a hat! ‘I can knit that” I’d tell myself.
I moved recently, twice in 10 months, and downsized about as much as anyone can – from my country home with 3 bedrooms on a half acre block to a 3 bedroomed unit to a 2 bedroomed apartment in Melbourne CBD – I was ruthless but I could not let go of my knitting pile. I am going to knit that.
About 6 years ago I bought wool to contribute to a project for a breast cancer project. Beautiful, feathery wool in 4 different colours for my sisters. Just scarves I concluded, just scarves would be ok. I completed one scarf, the rest is waiting for me, lurking in the bottom of the wardrobe!
I will knit that.
Heard a great quote “if you’re creating you’re not consuming”. Knit on sister.
Aunty Verve, I also have a hidden cupboard of wool, needles and patterns from the 60s! I remember when I was young and only just married and I thought I’m going to knit an ‘Irish’ sweater – you know the ones with all the different cables and patterns for my first born Zach for his 1st birthday. Well I finished the back, front and one sleeve and he’s now turned 26. Do you think it will still fit him ?
I tried knitting, read all the books, bought the wool, followed a YouTube instructional video. Cast on the right number of stitches and got it started.
Then Aunty Darling arrives one night for dinner, she breaks into uncontrollable hysterics.
It appears I had misread the number of stitches and was in fact knitting a blanket.
She redid the beginning and I ‘started’ again.
I thank the goddess everyday I see Uncle Mod wearing the eventual scarf, otherwise i would still be knitting it.
Okay, I am reading a very scary trend here, one I also subscribe to! I have an almost (3/4) finished aaron sweater, I started it about 20 odd years ago. When my beautiul friend, Marita, comes over and has a few vino’s she get’s quite excited about my skills and insists I get it out to show visitors….maybe I should get it out and finish it this year, hmmmm
20 years? may just be back in fashion.