Stephen and I were so organised that day, played golf in the afternoon, dropped my handicap by one stroke, and ahem, also won the ladies competition. Home for a quick shower, wine, out for dinner and then off to ‘The Dusty Springfield’ Tribute Concert with our friend Sandy. The Dusty Springfield Concert – featured the beautiful Monique Montez and the fabulous Deni Hines. We couldn’t take our eyes off Deni, delightful, stunning and what a voice. I know I was showing my age by knowing all the words and singing along. After the show, we were so excited, we raced up to her for a photo. Stephen choose to sit and look on while Sandy and I took off. Deni looked up and stared me straight in the eye and with a smile on her face, said ‘ok here come the stalkers’! We stood there shyly smiling at her, all star-struck! Yep we were smitten – she’s gorgeous and the show was fabulous, so if you get a chance to see it – do yourself a favour and go, you won’t be sorry!
Love star-struck Aunty Lush