
Stephen and I were so organised that day, played golf in the afternoon, dropped my handicap by one stroke, and ahem, also won the ladies competition.  Home for a quick shower, wine, out for dinner and then off to ‘The Dusty Springfield’ Tribute Concert with our friend Sandy. The Dusty Springfield Concert – featured the beautiful Monique Montez and the fabulous Deni Hines.  We couldn’t take our eyes off Deni, delightful, stunning and what a voice. I know I was showing my age by knowing all the words and singing along. After the show, we were so excited, we raced up to her for a photo. Stephen choose to sit and look on while Sandy and I took off. Deni looked up and stared me straight in the eye and with a smile on her face, said ‘ok here come the stalkers’! We stood there shyly smiling at her, all star-struck! Yep we were smitten – she’s gorgeous and the show was fabulous, so if you get a chance to see it – do yourself a favour and go, you won’t be sorry!


Love star-struck Aunty Lush

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Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

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