About Said Aunties

From Honorary Aunty Walt

Some would say these women are like a flock of Galahs, which when together each screech loudly, fighting for the stage and wallowing in a warm, friendly yet passive aggressive competition. Some would perhaps say they’re like a biblical plague of locusts, eating anything in their path (and we’re not just talking food here kids).

They’re an interesting flock whatever they are: a dash of feminist, a squeeze of mid life crisis, a sprinkle of empty nest syndrome  all mixed with a feisty, mothering and progressive ‘non-judgmental love’. They are the sort of women who, if you were her son’s best mate, you’d say she was totally awesome (but also be glad she’s not your mum, waaaay too loopy).

They are the sort of women who, if you were her sister, you’d clap and smile broadly at their constant craving for attention at the family talent show… However, they are the sort of women who you’ll love for all their quirks. And you’d be totally proud to call her your Aunty.

From Honorary Aunty Helen

Years ago Colleen had five chooks, at the Love Commune, that she had named after the five McCuskey girls – the feathered Siobhan was the one who dared to go out further than all the rest and explore beyond the fence while the others clucked about in a worried fashion! This was just before the human Siobhan went on her 3 week European vacation and stayed away for 8 years… Which is not to say her sisters haven’t also had their share of adventures “beyond the fence” but certainly the bond that these chooks share is enduring and enviable.

All their friends will say we were lucky to be part of the McCuskey family comings and goings at the Bungaree pub, or later at the house on Main Road, skirting the side gate on the memorable occasion when part of the road had disappeared down an old mine shaft, always up for a cup of tea at any time of the day, and a drink at any time of the night after staggering in to a rousing rendition of “Goodbye Mrs Durkin” on the spoons and harmonica.

Ben would always greet his daughters with, “so did you meet anyone you liked better than yourself?” and what do you know, they all eventually did!

From Honorary Aunty Jill

I don’t know if I can do justice to the McCuskey gals, they are bright, beautiful, confident, enthusiastic, individualistic, and outgoing. Their mother Mary O’Leary is an ongoing source of inspiration to them all. After all, it is by the fruit, that the tree is known! Mary would have come to this country, not knowing too many people,  yet managed to bring up a gorgeous family, with all the hassles and challenges involved.

All of the girls “follow their hearts” and that indicates a strong sense of self belief that was instilled in them from a very young age. It is better, as I read once, to be a shepherd, rather than a sheep!! They share a close bond as sisters, and  I am similarly privileged as I believe that a loving family provides the basis for much of human endeavour.

Mary must have been a trailblazer when they were all growing up, and gave her daughters a sense of being true to themselves. Mary is brave, endlessly cheerful and full of love for her eclectic band of daughters! I am sure that like Mrs Bennett in Pride and Prejudice, she only wanted what was best for those girls, and to see them all happy, (maybe seeing them married off well?).

From Honorary Aunty Lynny

It’s over 30 years I have met and mixed with these girls.   These girls are all fun-loving and  if you are a friend to one, you a friend to all.   From Mary the matriarch of the family to Erin, the youngest of the girls, they are all very much individuals born of the same mould.

They have a strong Irish work ethic and all have succeeded in their chosen professions and adventures.  They have an unbreakable bond and show a complete respect for each other in whatever each one is doing; if they like it!  They are trustworthy, loyal and what fun any party is with them there, because they have a strong Irish party ethic too!

From Honorary Aunty Gill

What an inspirational group of women.  From health and well being through to media production, environment and corporate business, these five girls have had an amazing impact on my life both personally and professionally.  Knowing them all quite well  I feel a strong connection with them.

Their skill and  professionalism, people skills, and business acumen is only matched by their zest for life.  Bringing all of their skills and passion together is a force to be reckoned with.Combine this with their compassion for  people, high energy and commitment to their respective causes and beliefs, these women are to be reckoned with.

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Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

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