I bought a racehorse

Friday nights, end of the working week and enjoying a well earned Savvy B with our friends and owners of the pub, the Brougham Arms Hotel in Bendigo. The Broughie is very popular and well renowned for their good food, wine and hospitality. So here we were talking about anything and everything when one of the guys started to tell us that they had bought shares in a racehorse. ‘Oooh that sounds rather exciting’ I could hear myself say! Did... Read More

Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

We demand more Auntys reveal themselves... Email the Valet... valet@theaunties.com.au