Keep Warm Dahlings
I have recently purchased an item, that, in the past, I had completely turned my nose up at. I had dismissed it as an item of total daggy-ness, rather than the item of luxury and/or necessity it truly deserves to be called…..
Oh how wrong can a woman be? Well, enter the: Dressing Gown…
Yes, ladies do believe your eyes….a dressing gown…who knew that it would become my most cherished item, and it all happened so quickly? I had no idea what I had been missing out on all these years, when I was waaaaaaaay too cool for a dressing gown.
Never have I been so warm on a winter’s night, even my husband is eyeing it off (not eyeing me off). I can tell you this; it is very snuggly and warm (no, absolutely not a snuggy), just below knee length (so not toooo long), tie belt, hood (extra warm), bright red and on sale……
Do yourself a favor and go shopping, great prices at the moment, I got mine at sussan.
with love
Aunty Beads
PS this is me looking fab in my lovely new dressing gown
Yes, I have one, even further discounted but sooo sooo cuddly and soft, beautiful soft pink with a blue stripe and a hoodie! I LOVE it. Just wish I had it with me after white water rafting last weekend. Thought about it all the way home…
New ‘must have’ item, cashmere socks! OMG..amazing, I am now in danger of becoming an ‘Aldi’-holic!!!
My hubby now has a lovely new dressing gown, just need to educate him a little on the finer points of not leaving gown loose when doing the ‘nude’ thing underneath!! Feel like I’m living in ‘Don’s Party’ circa 1970-something eewww
kill me now…