I’m feeling list-less…
I always start my precious day off with great intentions; a cup of tea and a to-do list (Aunty Darling loves them). Then I pop out to run an errand, sans list, forgetting two minor, yet important, tasks (PO Box key and shopping list for tonight’s dinner). On return, the envelope holding my list is no longer on this planet.
Pfft, no worries I’ve got heaps of envelopes (and love to re-use before I recycle). A moments distraction, flicking through a catalogue, and boom, great idea strikes and a new list starts. On the catalogue.
Generally speaking, I am not concerned about doubling up on tasks (like that’s ever happened). It’s more about forgetting things, like; not picking up my ‘good’ frock from the dry cleaner, and having nothing to wear tomorrow night! Grrr..I open the back door, stroll into the garden for a quick primal scream. Ahh, that’s better. Ooh, light-bulb moment, maybe I put the list in the recycle bin? I’d better check, just in case I have another rude awakening looming. But first, some weeding. The borders look terrible.
Yes, I have read those blogs, and use the ‘reminder’ and ‘notes’ features on my phone, to help me keep my shit together. Writing something down does work. Honey, that’s how most of us got through the 1980’s. If only I could keep track of the envelopes, just while I’m transitioning to ‘paperless!
with love from somewhere
Aunty Beads
*please note…references to snow are actually about a ski trip!
Dear Aunty Beads,
we are not in a position to elaborate on the snow adventure. Simply know your upcoming adventure will be documented within an inch of its life…
Love The Valet
I’ve got that nervous feeling….
Aunty Beads they say the only way is to eat frogs…
really??? well, I guess it’s worth a try?