I want a puppy…
I’ve been saying this for years, and no doubt, I’ll be saying it for a few more…but how can one resist?
Just look at some of my favorite furry friends.
Monty who loves yoga
…Gigi, a pretty girl who loves to dress up
and Lilly, oh don’t be fooled that little sweety is not napping she’s just trying to avoid a walk!
However, there is one problem…I don’t like poo, or more specifically, picking it up! Many moons ago, when I was doing a Nanny stint in London, I looked after Sophie (aged 9) who’s little dog (Pepsi) loved a walk. Anyway Pepsi did seem to have some bowel issues…needless to say Sophie and I had many robust conversations about who was picking it up!
Maybe I should get a fish, just to start off with?
Love Aunty Beads
Oh I want a puppy too. Not the puppy poo!
oh I saw the most gorgeous one last week, the owner was a bit reluctant to hand her over for a cuddle…I understand completely…too cute!!!
They keep you amused for hours, such fun….you can train them to poo in the right places!
Picking up poo is no big deal, honestly you do get used to it. Get yourself a pup. You deserve one.