Aunty Lush asks a favour

This was sent to me from the long-suffering Uncle Stephen, the ever patient Aunty Lush hubby. And since Lush is abraod currently I thought it safe to post. May the goddess keep us safe from her. Love The Valet. “It’s gotta be one of the most unusual SMS requests I have had ( and get some doozies). Finally locate the shop after being forced to park 1 km away. I walk in and I am greeted with, “You must be Stephen”. Just a quick... Read More

Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

We demand more Auntys reveal themselves... Email the Valet...