The Sunday After

For the benefit of those you who didn’t attend “Tiddling Tales with The Aunties” this weekend gone, those present were given a clear unambiguous warning about not finding yourself alone with Aunty Lush. Not for any reason! Not for any purpose! Not if you want to maintain your decorum.

This is a tale of warning that should ring loud and clear for all you you!

The day after Tiddling Tales, all the aunties, and a few nibling, met at Aunty Shaz’s house. To celebrate, to wrap up, to plan and to strategise for next events of fabulousness. Inevitably the champagne was produced from the fridge and the gargle began.

Sounds great yeah? Rookie mistake!

After throwing our zon Josh into the pool, most aunties made their excuses and backed slowly out the door… leaving Aunty Shaz wide eyed and unsuspecting. I should point out that is unusual. Aunty Shaz has been caught numerous times before, her naivety is so breathtakingly beautiful!

What follows is the tale of a fall..

The Fall of Aunty Shaz 1

Her first mistake was finding her self alone with Aunty Lush, and then agreeing to the second glass. Note the look of glee on Aunty Lush’s face.

They See Red

Oh yes it’s all fun, at the start…

The Fall of Aunty Shaz 2

Hats are not all that slip! We discovered later darling nibling Zoe was enlisted as photographer! So sad that at this point Aunty Shaz is still unaware of the danger.

The Fall of Aunty Shaz 3

Onto new hats and props, only danger lies ahead. Poor Aunty Shaz, her fall is almost complete despite her looking so sprightly.

The Fall of Aunty Shaz 4

And so it is done. Still Aunty Lush is looking for fresh meat.

The Fall of Aunty Shaz 5

Next day Aunty Beads checked on her. You believe?

It appears our Shaz may be in training? Aunty Lush has been know to gather anyone who might vaguely keep up with her! The training though is hard and arduous.

Our final warning remains: Never find yourself alone with Aunty Lush, there is no coming back!







Facey Comments

5 Responses to “The Sunday After”
  1. Aunty Lush says:

    Oh my darling sister in law shazzie, I love the way you fall into my web of intrigue, fun and above all celebrate the after party and then the next after party, when all the other aunties left. Well done and we did take it easy given it was a Sunday. Great pictures too Zoe McCuskey. Love Aunty Lush xxx

  2. Mollie says:

    Love the hats girls but….love the glasses and bottles …and what’s in em better ….you look lovely as usual

    love you loads, Mollie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Siobhan says:

    Well at least they kept their clothes on!

  4. Donna says:

    We have all been there Shazzie…..thank goodness the focus is on you now. Should only be for another few years that you will need to keep up…..X

  5. Colleen Filippa says:

    It is a foolish woman who would dare to ‘go it alone’ with Aunty Lush.

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Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

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