The Pied Piper of Bali

Bali is a wonderful place, the people friendly, weather fantastic and it was fabulous to have time to spend with the aunties, outlaw aunties and nieces. I’ll treasure the memories of this holiday for a long time. So Aunty Verve? In Bali? She’s clever, professional and always tries to do the right thing – see? However, there is another side to this aunty. Give her a couple of drinks in an Irish Bar; music by a Balinese band and the night is... Read More

Flattened Day 1

On my first trip to Bali, first day I headed off with my sister-in-law, daughter and niece to check the retail. First thing we had to do was navigate and weave our way through motor bikes, bicycles, taxis, cars and anything else that could move.  Car horns tooting loudly, motorbikes whizzing past, mini buses dodging everything in sight. We stop at the road edge thinking about crossing it.  Sister-in-law makes a run for it, followed quickly by Neice... Read More

My little sister in Bali

Those who know her, would describe Aunty Mod as a bit of a ‘go-getter’; seriously, I believe she was born with my share of energy as well as her own. Now Mod is one busy lady and when she arrived in Bali, several days after my own arrival (I needed a rest before she got there), her list of expectations was very long! Some list ‘must do’s’ included; trying lots of different Indonesian food, hot-stone treatment, see traditional... Read More

Bali High?

Dearest Darlings, So the girls have just returned from an adventure in Bali. They have thrown their wet towels and bathers over my head. Then showered me with gifts… of the work variety. They threw me pics and video of their time there while I kept the home fires burning… hmmppfff Love the Valet  Read More

Bali, Bali, Bali

This time next week I will be sitting by (or in) the pool, gasping at the heat and excitedly awaiting the arrival of my four sisters, sister in law and three nieces (and the arrival of my Bin Tang and spring rolls, yum)! I’ve been planning this trip since the middle of last year, reason? I turned 50 in January and we always do a bit of a girls ‘thing’ for our 50th’s. Going to Bali is pushing the benchmark quite far out, but somehow it has... Read More

Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

We demand more Auntys reveal themselves... Email the Valet...