Procrastinators Unite

It took a month of hard work but it was worth it. THE AUDIT – National compliance for a national service, no getting around it. How I stopped worrying and learned to love the audit… The house was cleaned within an inch of its life; Those damnable blackberries, once the bane of my life, were lifted, carted, destroyed and the garden pristine; The paper stack, once a large unruly tower in the shed threatening to topple, was tamed; The eyebrows neatly tucked, plucked... Read More

Bali, Bali, Bali

This time next week I will be sitting by (or in) the pool, gasping at the heat and excitedly awaiting the arrival of my four sisters, sister in law and three nieces (and the arrival of my Bin Tang and spring rolls, yum)! I’ve been planning this trip since the middle of last year, reason? I turned 50 in January and we always do a bit of a girls ‘thing’ for our 50th’s. Going to Bali is pushing the benchmark quite far out, but somehow it has come together! That is of course... Read More

Weeds Still by Aunty Verve

There is so much beauty…  Read More

cloud data

These works are from an exhbition with images reflective of data used to create weather maps. It was held at Space 22 and featured video projections through banners with weather maps, throwing shadows across the walls, people stepping between, becoming the image shadow. Please specify a Flickr ID for this gallery  Read More

Weeds by Aunty Verve

I honestly don’t know the difference sometimes, but these were gorgeous, reds, yellows and fabulous greens… and as I was moving out I simply had to take them with me somehow…. Love Aunty Verve xx  Read More

Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

We demand more Auntys reveal themselves... Email the Valet...