Messages of Love

The girls would love to share with you the messages that arrived (some in time, some too late), to screen at ‘Tiddling Tales’. Starting with darling nibling Fagyn and Jordy, to honourary Aunty Walt, Louise and Marita from Bangers (Bangkok), and beautiful cousins Paula and Sarah. Thanks for going to such an effort for The Aunties…   Thanks to you all for taking the time to celebrate with us.  Read More

The Sunday After

For the benefit of those you who didn’t attend “Tiddling Tales with The Aunties” this weekend gone, those present were given a clear unambiguous warning about not finding yourself alone with Aunty Lush. Not for any reason! Not for any purpose! Not if you want to maintain your decorum. This is a tale of warning that should ring loud and clear for all you you! The day after Tiddling Tales, all the aunties, and a few nibling, met at Aunty Shaz’s house. To... Read More

Our Aunty Philomenia

Aunty Phil is a funny thing. She has been known to dance on tables, drink a crowd under the table, and more, just usually not at once. Though no one knew until a visit from nibling Fagyn resulted in these pictures of a woman insanely playing the tin whistle while hula hooping….  Read More

Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

We demand more Auntys reveal themselves... Email the Valet...