Sisters, Sisters

There were never such devoted sisters… and our Queen Mary of course! A few years ago The Aunties put on an affair to remember. Tiddling Tales was a gathering of aunties and stories and fabulousness. It is so seared into our memories we didn’t need to relive it. However some video shoot by the techie […]

Literally Nude. Figuratively Naked.

Tonight I am taking off all my clothes.   And dancing nude.   In public.   *wallpaper muzak aka thinking music.   Shall I clarify? Aunty Mod here. The other Aunties are not, at this stage, naked. But I’m working on them! Currently I feel confronted by the fragility of health, the shortness of life, the […]

Aunty for love.

The other day I was digging about, pretending to spring clean. I found these glorious images drawn by my friend’s little girl. Let’s call the friend Tamara, and let’s call her little girl Davida. The drawings were done when she was five. So she was little then, and she is always likely to be little […]


Stephen and I were so organised that day, played golf in the afternoon, dropped my handicap by one stroke, and ahem, also won the ladies competition.  Home for a quick shower, wine, out for dinner and then off to ‘The Dusty Springfield’ Tribute Concert with our friend Sandy. The Dusty Springfield Concert – featured the […]

She’s Wanda-ful…

Here’s to the Queen, the Queen of Rockabilly (the only queen we Irish girls will abide), proclaimed throughout the land – Miss Wanda Jackson. We arrive at the Corner Hotel, Richmond and the crowd is gathering. The rockabilly hairstyles and fashions are standouts; this is not your usual crowd. Inside Ezra Lee, his dad, his […]

Knit that…

Someone mentioned knitting?  It’s been the hottest Summer but knitting always seems to be waiting and ready to pounce.  Is it because we crave to quieten the body and the mind after a hectic time, to snuggle up and relax with our mate and enjoy steaming hot cups of chocolate or tea on those long […]

My Night with Elvis

It had been planned for ages. The tickets had been bought months earlier. It had been a popular topic around the dinner table. Yet still I had left the ‘what will I wear’ til the last minute. You know those phases you go through? Wardrobe love, wardrobe hate, wardrobe indifference, the favs, the challenges, the […]

Shoot me… Please

In my wildest dreams who would have thought, that at the tender age of… well a certain age, that I’d be flapping around sorting outfits for a photo shoot? I was delighted to be approached by a gorgeous lady called Lilac, who with her husband Joshua, run their own business Joshua Winterson Photography. Lilac and […]

Never let your guide get away…

The story so far….. I turned 50 a few years ago, but have only just recently got around to organising a weekend away (for the milestone birthday) with my sisters. The next sister (Aunty Beads) in line to turn 50 will do so soon, so I had to get something organised promptly. Scoopon popped up […]

Weeds Still by Aunty Verve

There is so much beauty…

Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

We demand more Auntys reveal themselves... Email the Valet...