Aunty Darling and the Snuff Box

It was proving to be the most talked about mission since the Moon Landing of 1969. The Aunties were going to Bright (snow country). It was early winter. The year was 2016. The Valet had gone on holidays, no doubt to escape what was coming next. The planning! Cue: Aunty Lush newly job free, pumping […]

It’s a Blurrr…

Aunty Verve here. You won’t see me in many photos.  It’s not necessarily that I don’t want to be in them (mostly), it’s just that when I ask someone else to take one for me, it invariably ends up a blur. Example one: I love to travel and on a trip to NZ,  all I […]

My little sister in Bali

Those who know her, would describe Aunty Mod as a bit of a ‘go-getter’; seriously, I believe she was born with my share of energy as well as her own. Now Mod is one busy lady and when she arrived in Bali, several days after my own arrival (I needed a rest before she got […]

Weeds Still by Aunty Verve

There is so much beauty…

cloud data

These works are from an exhbition with images reflective of data used to create weather maps. It was held at Space 22 and featured video projections through banners with weather maps, throwing shadows across the walls, people stepping between, becoming the image shadow.

Weeds by Aunty Verve

I honestly don’t know the difference sometimes, but these were gorgeous, reds, yellows and fabulous greens… and as I was moving out I simply had to take them with me somehow…. Love Aunty Verve xx

Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

We demand more Auntys reveal themselves... Email the Valet...