Trying on wetsuits.

I just don’t swim. I love the ‘idea’ of being a water-babe, so I decided if everyone else can get in the water, then so shall I. With a wetsuit. To the shops. Selecting some wetsuits, I confidently headed towards the change rooms. My husband (a dolphin who swims regardless of temperature in, or out […]

Knit that…

Someone mentioned knitting?  It’s been the hottest Summer but knitting always seems to be waiting and ready to pounce.  Is it because we crave to quieten the body and the mind after a hectic time, to snuggle up and relax with our mate and enjoy steaming hot cups of chocolate or tea on those long […]

First Train From Ratville

The fur of my coat collar tickled my neck as I snuggled into it waiting for the train. The diehards were already here – automatons with coffee (not a judgment, rather the observation of one who has been there – back in the day). The air gathered visibly as I sighed loudly, I could hear […]

I’m sorry have we met?

This is what I usually wonder when my husband (of 26 years) Albert hands his Christmas gift to me. For an Italian he gives me the lamest gifts (in true stereotypical fashion you would think he would be great at this stuff), so much so that I now have very low expectations. Worse gift ever? […]

Flattened Day 1

On my first trip to Bali, first day I headed off with my sister-in-law, daughter and niece to check the retail. First thing we had to do was navigate and weave our way through motor bikes, bicycles, taxis, cars and anything else that could move.  Car horns tooting loudly, motorbikes whizzing past, mini buses dodging […]

Shoot me… Please

In my wildest dreams who would have thought, that at the tender age of… well a certain age, that I’d be flapping around sorting outfits for a photo shoot? I was delighted to be approached by a gorgeous lady called Lilac, who with her husband Joshua, run their own business Joshua Winterson Photography. Lilac and […]

Turning that certain age

Well here she is – the 50 year old rafting queen.  Why oh why did I say yes, a moment of madness I should think!  We do love Aunty Darling, and wanted to be a part of her special birthday. Here’s my story about that fateful day. Three rafts, three couples, three guides. And the rapids… Aunty Verve and […]

Be Like Bert

I’ve just returned from a 6 day yoga retreat in Bali – it was bliss. Yoga was held twice a day overlooking the glorious Ubud forests. On our last day we were invited to a ‘farewell ceremony’ where we sat around a flower and candle offering. We were invited to write on a piece of […]

My little sister in Bali

Those who know her, would describe Aunty Mod as a bit of a ‘go-getter’; seriously, I believe she was born with my share of energy as well as her own. Now Mod is one busy lady and when she arrived in Bali, several days after my own arrival (I needed a rest before she got […]

Wish I’d said that

Why is it only after the event that we usually think of something clever to say? Here are some lines from famous women who wouldn’t mind if you quoted them! Dolly Parton (pic from “If you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain.” J.K. Rowling (pic from “It takes a great deal of […]

Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

We demand more Auntys reveal themselves... Email the Valet...