My little sister in Bali
Those who know her, would describe Aunty Mod as a bit of a ‘go-getter’; seriously, I believe she was born with my share of energy as well as her own. Now Mod is one busy lady and when she arrived in Bali, several days after my own arrival (I needed a rest before she got there), her list of expectations was very long! Some list ‘must do’s’ included; trying lots of different Indonesian food, hot-stone treatment, see traditional... Read More
The Deadly Sins of Networking
Deadly Sins of Networking # 1 You may have skipped lunch knowing that the meeting is at 5.00pm and from memory it is always well catered. Perfect you can fill up there! Noooo. You simply do not have enough hands to be holding onto your business cards, glass of red wine and four sushi rolls. You just come off looking like a juggler (and NOT one from ‘cirque du soleil’) trying to manage too many objects while trying not to dip your car keys into... Read More
To Serve or Not To Serve
Service – what is that? Could it make any difference to your experience? Can service make or break an event or an occasion? Can service prolong or shorten your experience? Service in whatever shape or form it comes in, is important – is it not? Important, yes, yes, yes and yes! Last weekend me (Aunty Lush) and my well-traveled other-half (Steve), headed off to Melbourne with another couple and planned to spend 2 nights in a city hotel.... Read More
Sunday Mornings
Don’t you just love the weekends – especially Sunday mornings. Picture this: yummy cooked brekky, reading the papers, second cup of brewed coffee and still in my pink silk PJs – and yet it’s still only 11am. Love it! Not one to ‘waste’ a second, time for a shower and pop the lippy on and ready for the day, no plans really… just wondering what the day might bring, then the doorbell rings – now who... Read More
Night on the Tiles
One of our favourite aunty things to do is follow Aunty Lush into debauchery and sing dance and drink til the sun comes up… Then aunty lush puts on another head (she has six), her makeup and goes to town while the rest of wonder in our hungover state why we didn’t protect ourselves from the vampire of the family…. We do love her we do, just now we all wear garlic… love all the Aunties Read More