The Sunday After

For the benefit of those you who didn’t attend “Tiddling Tales with The Aunties” this weekend gone, those present were given a clear unambiguous warning about not finding yourself alone with Aunty Lush. Not for any reason! Not for any purpose! Not if you want to maintain your decorum. This is a tale of warning […]

Our Aunty Philomenia

Aunty Phil is a funny thing. She has been known to dance on tables, drink a crowd under the table, and more, just usually not at once. Though no one knew until a visit from nibling Fagyn resulted in these pictures of a woman insanely playing the tin whistle while hula hooping….

Aunty how do I spell…

The Aunties met recently for a sojourn in Melbourne. The idea was to gather, chat and have a little drinkie or three over discussions of our next adventure. Clearly we all find each-other totally hilarious, so the day spun away in tales of ducks, elopements, blobbing, pens with tassles, playshop fraud and spasmodic whippers. An […]


Stephen and I were so organised that day, played golf in the afternoon, dropped my handicap by one stroke, and ahem, also won the ladies competition.  Home for a quick shower, wine, out for dinner and then off to ‘The Dusty Springfield’ Tribute Concert with our friend Sandy. The Dusty Springfield Concert – featured the […]

It’s a Blurrr…

Aunty Verve here. You won’t see me in many photos.  It’s not necessarily that I don’t want to be in them (mostly), it’s just that when I ask someone else to take one for me, it invariably ends up a blur. Example one: I love to travel and on a trip to NZ,  all I […]

Dear Mollie

Dear Mollie, We love getting letters, old school or new school. We love that the girls are reminded, often, that things have changed and it may be time for them to act more ladylike. Thanks again Mollie, makes better reading than some of the girls’ posts, love The Valet. Hi Girls, I thought you might […]

Trying on wetsuits.

I just don’t swim. I love the ‘idea’ of being a water-babe, so I decided if everyone else can get in the water, then so shall I. With a wetsuit. To the shops. Selecting some wetsuits, I confidently headed towards the change rooms. My husband (a dolphin who swims regardless of temperature in, or out […]

A list of lists

Those who know me even slightly know that I’m a list maker. And those that know me better know that my lists can be found all over the place. On the margins of the newspaper, on the backs of envelopes. Yes, I love to make lists, and I do believe that I was the first […]

First Train From Ratville

The fur of my coat collar tickled my neck as I snuggled into it waiting for the train. The diehards were already here – automatons with coffee (not a judgment, rather the observation of one who has been there – back in the day). The air gathered visibly as I sighed loudly, I could hear […]

I’m sorry have we met?

This is what I usually wonder when my husband (of 26 years) Albert hands his Christmas gift to me. For an Italian he gives me the lamest gifts (in true stereotypical fashion you would think he would be great at this stuff), so much so that I now have very low expectations. Worse gift ever? […]

Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

We demand more Auntys reveal themselves... Email the Valet...