Dear Aunty Lovers
Dear Aunty lovers, Salutations. It’s the Valet here, with an irresistible invitation. arcade-card-mack-sennett-comedies-five-women-with-hats-covered-with-straw-1920s at The girls are requesting the pleasure of your company at what they are calling ‘Tiddling Tales with The Aunties”. Between you and me, we know it’s going to be some frivolous fun, however we all need to get in on […]
I do love food…
How much do I love food, especially when away from home? I can’t think of any better time than to try local produce; it’s fresher, good for the local economy and creates fodder for stories. Our mother had a saying when dining out; ‘don’t order anything from the menu, that you can cook at home’; […]
Aunty how do I spell…
The Aunties met recently for a sojourn in Melbourne. The idea was to gather, chat and have a little drinkie or three over discussions of our next adventure. Clearly we all find each-other totally hilarious, so the day spun away in tales of ducks, elopements, blobbing, pens with tassles, playshop fraud and spasmodic whippers. An […]
Aunty Lessons in Making Up
Whilst teaching the other day, I noticed one of the students in my Year 7 Science class was wearing the most beautiful eye make-up. I called her over and said ‘wow your eyes look fantastic’. She looked at me a little funny and said ‘Most teachers tell me to go wash my face’. I think […]
I’m feeling list-less…
I always start my precious day off with great intentions; a cup of tea and a to-do list (Aunty Darling loves them). Then I pop out to run an errand, sans list, forgetting two minor, yet important, tasks (PO Box key and shopping list for tonight’s dinner). On return, the envelope holding my list is […]
She’s Wanda-ful…
Here’s to the Queen, the Queen of Rockabilly (the only queen we Irish girls will abide), proclaimed throughout the land – Miss Wanda Jackson. We arrive at the Corner Hotel, Richmond and the crowd is gathering. The rockabilly hairstyles and fashions are standouts; this is not your usual crowd. Inside Ezra Lee, his dad, his […]
Dear Mollie
Dear Mollie, We love getting letters, old school or new school. We love that the girls are reminded, often, that things have changed and it may be time for them to act more ladylike. Thanks again Mollie, makes better reading than some of the girls’ posts, love The Valet. Hi Girls, I thought you might […]
Trying on wetsuits.
I just don’t swim. I love the ‘idea’ of being a water-babe, so I decided if everyone else can get in the water, then so shall I. With a wetsuit. To the shops. Selecting some wetsuits, I confidently headed towards the change rooms. My husband (a dolphin who swims regardless of temperature in, or out […]
First Train From Ratville
The fur of my coat collar tickled my neck as I snuggled into it waiting for the train. The diehards were already here – automatons with coffee (not a judgment, rather the observation of one who has been there – back in the day). The air gathered visibly as I sighed loudly, I could hear […]
Flattened Day 1
On my first trip to Bali, first day I headed off with my sister-in-law, daughter and niece to check the retail. First thing we had to do was navigate and weave our way through motor bikes, bicycles, taxis, cars and anything else that could move. Car horns tooting loudly, motorbikes whizzing past, mini buses dodging […]
who says?