Intermediate beginner

This year on the snow I was like a giraffe at an ice rink.  That’s no big surprise probably, however this year my falls were spectacular. It started when the ski shop assistant asked ‘Would you be intermediate skiers?’ Aunty Beads and I looked at each other searchingly, then back to the assistant blankly.  He […]

Mary & Ben

The girls have been very quiet for a bit, you see we have lost the elders of our mob, and the girls are heartbroken. Aunty Joan steps up to tell a tale about Mary and Ben, the grand royalty of The Aunties. Thanks Aunty Joan. Love the Valet. I was ten when I met Mary and […]

Sunday Mass with Mother

Our mother goes to mass every Sunday, and twice a year I (Aunty Darling) join her at her local church. You know – just to keep my options open. Easter and Xmas are the big ones. These masses always go forever and Easter Sunday was no exception (clocked it at 1 and ½ hours). To […]

Talking to a machine.

Aunty Verve here: I’m talking to a machine! Yes, really. Actually it was worse than that! I was texting to a machine!! So excited about getting my Collingwood membership card I responded to an auto email from my phone! After the ‘fab’ response I even added Go Pies. Lucky it was rejected and I quickly […]

Knitting Season

Every few years I get an overwhelming urge to knit, I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a knitter but I have tackled the odd knitting project. Indeed, one still sits waiting to be finished; it’s all cable and tricky stuff, beautiful Aran wool (bought in Ireland). Even though the back and sleeves are finished, I can’t […]

Aunty for love.

The other day I was digging about, pretending to spring clean. I found these glorious images drawn by my friend’s little girl. Let’s call the friend Tamara, and let’s call her little girl Davida. The drawings were done when she was five. So she was little then, and she is always likely to be little […]

Race Bombing

I am now considered somewhat of a phantom owner in the racing fraternity. I don’t own a horse, nor do I lease one but my friends do and I love going to watch.  It’s perfect – no fees, no trainer stories, no bets (not mandatory ones anyway) and all the fun. My friends are very […]

I want a puppy…

I’ve been saying this for years, and no doubt, I’ll be saying it for a few more…but how can one resist? Just look at some of my favorite furry friends. Monty who loves yoga …Gigi, a pretty girl who loves to dress up and Lilly, oh don’t be fooled that little sweety is not napping […]

Creating my own moments.

Aunty Darling here. I am at the local outdoor pool at the ungodly* hour of 8.00am. Thanks to the pool’s digital display of time and temperature, I know it is 9 oC but I do believe the wind chill factor has taken it down to -5 oC. My only company are two fat ducks. I’m […]

Aunty London

One day I was meeting Aunty London for lunch, great friend of The Aunties and an aunty in her own right. It was bloody freezing, so I left my woollies on. Red bobbly cardy, purple striped woolen hat. You get the look. Unloved and really couldn’t care. And then a vision entered the Harvest cafe! […]

Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

We demand more Auntys reveal themselves... Email the Valet...