Messages of Love

The girls would love to share with you the messages that arrived (some in time, some too late), to screen at ‘Tiddling Tales’. Starting with darling nibling Fagyn and Jordy, to honourary Aunty Walt, Louise and Marita from Bangers (Bangkok), and beautiful cousins Paula and Sarah. Thanks for going to such an effort for The […]

The Sunday After

For the benefit of those you who didn’t attend “Tiddling Tales with The Aunties” this weekend gone, those present were given a clear unambiguous warning about not finding yourself alone with Aunty Lush. Not for any reason! Not for any purpose! Not if you want to maintain your decorum. This is a tale of warning […]

Sarah’s Aunty Patricia

My Aunty Patricia is a cracker! My Ma’s baby sister. She once gave me a black suspender and stocking set for Xmas. I was 12. It was mortifying. Everyone was opening their presents one at a time. She believed it was an essential item. Like I said, mortifying. She also once gave a lengthy description […]

Dear Aunty Lovers

Dear Aunty lovers, Salutations. It’s the Valet here, with an irresistible invitation. arcade-card-mack-sennett-comedies-five-women-with-hats-covered-with-straw-1920s at The girls are requesting the pleasure of your company at what they are calling ‘Tiddling Tales with The Aunties”. Between you and me, we know it’s going to be some frivolous fun, however we all need to get in on […]

I do love food…

How much do I love food, especially when away from home? I can’t think of any better time than to try local produce; it’s fresher, good for the local economy and creates fodder for stories. Our mother had a saying when dining out; ‘don’t order anything from the menu, that you can cook at home’; […]

Aunty how do I spell…

The Aunties met recently for a sojourn in Melbourne. The idea was to gather, chat and have a little drinkie or three over discussions of our next adventure. Clearly we all find each-other totally hilarious, so the day spun away in tales of ducks, elopements, blobbing, pens with tassles, playshop fraud and spasmodic whippers. An […]


Stephen and I were so organised that day, played golf in the afternoon, dropped my handicap by one stroke, and ahem, also won the ladies competition.  Home for a quick shower, wine, out for dinner and then off to ‘The Dusty Springfield’ Tribute Concert with our friend Sandy. The Dusty Springfield Concert – featured the […]

It’s a Blurrr…

Aunty Verve here. You won’t see me in many photos.  It’s not necessarily that I don’t want to be in them (mostly), it’s just that when I ask someone else to take one for me, it invariably ends up a blur. Example one: I love to travel and on a trip to NZ,  all I […]

Aunty Lessons in Making Up

Whilst teaching the other day, I noticed one of the students in my Year 7 Science class was wearing the most beautiful eye make-up. I called her over and said ‘wow your eyes look fantastic’. She looked at me a little funny and said ‘Most teachers tell me to go wash my face’. I think […]

I’m feeling list-less…

I always start my precious day off with great intentions; a cup of tea and a to-do list (Aunty Darling loves them). Then I pop out to run an errand, sans list, forgetting two minor, yet important, tasks (PO Box key and shopping list for tonight’s dinner). On return, the envelope holding my list is […]

Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

We demand more Auntys reveal themselves... Email the Valet...