• A Scooter Dare

    It was started by Aunty Lush. It seems she’s always starting something! She posted an image of a woman on a red scooter from a great little mag for women in business called ‘Oak Magazine‘*. *They didn’t pay us, we actually like them! I’ll let the girls take it from here… So here is your […]

  • Aunty Verve with a present

    Travels without Aunts!

    Dear Roses, Recently I (Aunty Verve) travelled to the USA. It was quite strange not having the sisters with me.  There was no twirling or Tiddling Tales, but it was fantastic! It confirmed that I need to keep getting out there, sisters or no! Visiting New York and New Orleans was exciting.  Something I wanted […]

  • High Brow Situation

    Dear Roses, Do you love eyebrows? I do! Aunty Beads here! I very much have a thing for eyebrows. Always have! Eyebrows frame the eyes, accentuate expression, and often give away my thoughts before I realise I’m having them. I’m loving the current sculptured look. But I’ll talk eyebrows forever, however: arched, tapered, coloured, whatever! […]

  • Aunty Darling in Tree Pose

    The Best Time to Yoga is Now.

    Hello, this is Lara. Is that Colleen?Yes it is.What are you doing right now?Just getting ready to go to yoga.How are you feeling?Fine?Colleen, you need to get yourself to the hospital. Your liver enzymes levels are off the chart.Can go to yoga first?It is serious. Go now.    I hadn’t been feeling great for a […]

  • Whats for lunch?

    It’s always a treat when my phone announces time for lunch. The Paris Cat or the Gin Palace in 5 mins? I’ve only been to each venue once, at night, with friends. Could never refuse a gin or a jazz! It’s only Monday, but I dream of going there at least once at lunchtime! In the 80s […]

  • Sisters, Sisters

    There were never such devoted sisters… and our Queen Mary of course! A few years ago The Aunties put on an affair to remember. Tiddling Tales was a gathering of aunties and stories and fabulousness. It is so seared into our memories we didn’t need to relive it. However some video shoot by the techie […]

  • On Being Gracious

    On Being Gracious. Full stop. Permanent marker. No returns. The latest Aunties adventure began as it usually does… six weeks after the previous, eight months since the last, or tomorrow? There remains no plan or routine, just whenever we begin to feel desperately apart. It can strike, or not strike, at any time. It possibly […]

  • Literally Nude. Figuratively Naked.

    Tonight I am taking off all my clothes.   And dancing nude.   In public.   *wallpaper muzak aka thinking music.   Shall I clarify? Aunty Mod here. The other Aunties are not, at this stage, naked. But I’m working on them! Currently I feel confronted by the fragility of health, the shortness of life, the […]

  • Aunty Darling and the Snuff Box

    It was proving to be the most talked about mission since the Moon Landing of 1969. The Aunties were going to Bright (snow country). It was early winter. The year was 2016. The Valet had gone on holidays, no doubt to escape what was coming next. The planning! Cue: Aunty Lush newly job free, pumping […]

  • Wandiligong Autumn

    Stacking It.

    Aunty Verve here, on the bounce! I thought the snow falls were the end of my misadventures! Wrong! It started as a pleasant bike ride with the Aunties. We were in Bright, Victorian Alpine Country, it was Autumn, perfect weather, perfect fun – or so I thought! We hired bikes for an afternoon ride out to […]

  • Intermediate beginner

    This year on the snow I was like a giraffe at an ice rink.  That’s no big surprise probably, however this year my falls were spectacular. It started when the ski shop assistant asked ‘Would you be intermediate skiers?’ Aunty Beads and I looked at each other searchingly, then back to the assistant blankly.  He […]

  • Mary & Ben

    The girls have been very quiet for a bit, you see we have lost the elders of our mob, and the girls are heartbroken. Aunty Joan steps up to tell a tale about Mary and Ben, the grand royalty of The Aunties. Thanks Aunty Joan. Love the Valet. I was ten when I met Mary and […]

  • Race Bombing

    I am now considered somewhat of a phantom owner in the racing fraternity. I don’t own a horse, nor do I lease one but my friends do and I love going to watch.  It’s perfect – no fees, no trainer stories, no bets (not mandatory ones anyway) and all the fun. My friends are very […]

  • Creating my own moments.

    Aunty Darling here. I am at the local outdoor pool at the ungodly* hour of 8.00am. Thanks to the pool’s digital display of time and temperature, I know it is 9 oC but I do believe the wind chill factor has taken it down to -5 oC. My only company are two fat ducks. I’m […]

  • Aunty London

    One day I was meeting Aunty London for lunch, great friend of The Aunties and an aunty in her own right. It was bloody freezing, so I left my woollies on. Red bobbly cardy, purple striped woolen hat. You get the look. Unloved and really couldn’t care. And then a vision entered the Harvest cafe! […]

Welcome from The Aunties

Accidental Rebel

Aunty Verve here. I generally (& genuinely) always try to do the right thing, play by the rules, be the diplomat and peacekeeper but sometimes things happen outside of your control, no matter how hard you try. After scoring tickets into the Makybe Diva marquis for Derby Day at Flemington Racecourse, of course I felt […]

Aunty Lush asks a favour

This was sent to me from the long-suffering Uncle Stephen, the ever patient Aunty Lush hubby. And since Lush is abraod currently I thought it safe to post. May the goddess keep us safe from her. Love The Valet. “It’s gotta be one of the most unusual SMS requests I have had ( and get […]

What was I thinking?

So here I am at the airport. It’s 1.31am and my flight leaves at 3.35am. And I’ve got no-one to play with. Figure a drink is in order. I’m flying to Dubai, what fun. However I am reminded of my first trip. What horror. Talk about learning the customs real fast. Picture this: alone, first time […]

Niki’s Tantes

The Aunties love hearing stories about Aunties, good, bad or indifferent. Here is one from Aunty Niki who was prompted to think about her aunties when she attended ‘Tiddling Tales with The Aunties’. Thanks Niki, love The Valet. “Stories of my Aunties, or Tantes, isn’t something I often give great consideration. Our family is spread […]

Messages of Love

The girls would love to share with you the messages that arrived (some in time, some too late), to screen at ‘Tiddling Tales’. Starting with darling nibling Fagyn and Jordy, to honourary Aunty Walt, Louise and Marita from Bangers (Bangkok), and beautiful cousins Paula and Sarah. Thanks for going to such an effort for The […]

The Sunday After

For the benefit of those you who didn’t attend “Tiddling Tales with The Aunties” this weekend gone, those present were given a clear unambiguous warning about not finding yourself alone with Aunty Lush. Not for any reason! Not for any purpose! Not if you want to maintain your decorum. This is a tale of warning […]

Our Aunty Philomenia

Aunty Phil is a funny thing. She has been known to dance on tables, drink a crowd under the table, and more, just usually not at once. Though no one knew until a visit from nibling Fagyn resulted in these pictures of a woman insanely playing the tin whistle while hula hooping….

Mum Sayings

"I wonder what the poor people are doing?"
"Did you see anyone you liked better than yourself?"
"I've had that new coat forever."
"Go on, you deserve it."

Yummy Aunties…

We demand more Auntys reveal themselves... Email the Valet... valet@theaunties.com.au